Friday, August 21, 2015
Well, if you’ve read my blog, you know that I was LA bound. That did not come to fruition, and I’m now in a secret location in the Midwest. The big news is that I’ve been accepted to grad school, and may be a fifty-year-old freshman in November.
What, you may be asking, are you talking about? Well, my previous dreams of getting an agent and being a published author will be aided by attaining an MFA in fiction writing. I’ll be able to dedicate myself to finishing my short story collection, an will leave the program with a finished book. I have, since my last post, started writing a true crime novel so there is also the chance that I could be steered toward that work. Either way, I’ll be getting invaluable guidance and feedback and be that much closer to my dream.
So if you’re rooting for me to achieve one of my dreams, send me some positive mojo (I’ll thank you in my book’s dedication). I’ll be a month away from turning fifty when I start school, so this is a big life change. LA will be there when I finish my book. Hopefully, I’m not sure where I’m going to land but I know it will be some place good!
So while I don’t expect to gain fifteen pounds (since I am doing a low-residency program and won’t be living in a dorm), I do expect to gain a lot more.
Oh, and the super-secret project is now the true crime novel (so that’s out in the open) although you’ll have to wait for details. Just know it’s based in New Orleans.
I’m turning fifty and going back to school! Go me!