Tuesday, July 24, 2018
Thanks for stopping by. I’m all graduated now—my MFA means I have the ability to teach at the college level. But more importantly, it means I’ve grown a nice little writing community around myself.
The year started off great, with an acceptance in January for a story that will appear this July in the Notre Dame Review! I’m very excited because they accepted it very quickly, and they’re a great lit mag. More than that, though, is because it’s a story close to my heart. I think it was Robert Frost who wrote (to paraphrase) “No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader…” Well, I actually cried while writing this story. A first for me. The second time came when I wrote the last scene of my novel.
Novel! Yes, I have finished my novel. It is being formatted by my copy editor as we speak (so to speak). By the time you read this, I’ll have a polished draft (never say final until it’s the draft that’s going to be published). This means a new era. Almost as if by magic, one of my top agent choices announced today that she’s going to open to queries in three weeks. She’s been saying she was going to open for the last TEN months! I think the timing is serendipitous.
So, I begin a new chapter: #amquerying. I’m still compiling my “hit list” of agents, but I have a good start. Wish me luck!
Bon soir (or matin if you’re reading this in the morning)!