Thursday, February 18, 2016
Bonjour (encore)!
I love Todd Rundgren, and I’m hoping that his song “A Dream Goes On Forever” will come true.
If you read my last post, you’ll know that I’m in an MFA writing program (Spalding), and as I reach midsession I have great news: I’ve had a short story accepted for publication! Step One in the dream I’ve posted here will come true in April. Now, to recap, being published was at the top of my dream list. I’m still a little giddy, and I feel like I’m in a dream. Hence the wanting it to go on forever.
I have plans to go to LA next month––a trip that is long overdue. It’s been a year-and-a-half at least I think, and I’m so ready for it. I’ve been so on top of the moon I haven’t done much work, so I’ll keep this post brief. But, yay for me! And look forward to a post in April about how it feels to hold my published writing in my hand, and the debauchery that is a trip to LA.
YOLO––make it a dream!